Need Immediate Help

 SLO County Mental Illness Referrals, Contacts, Locations
NAMI & T-MHA programs for the mentally ill and their families, and education for the public.


Mobile Crisis Service (24 hours) 1-800-838-1381
SLO Hotline 24-hour mental health support 805-783-0607
24/7 Texting Hotline: Text LISTEN to 741741


Behavioral Health Admin.

Arroyo Grande Clinic

Atascadero Clinic

Central Clinic on Johnson Avenue

Inpatient Service

Youth Services (Vicente Dr.)

Forensic MH Services (CON REP)

Patient’s Rights Advocate

TMHA Family Services Program
Adult Services
805-540-6571, 540-6572, 540-6574

Youth Services
805-458-6388, 458-2596, 503-0009

TMHA Mental Health Advocates

San Luis Obispo County Behavioral Health Dept.

Transitions-Mental Health Association
(P. O. Box 15408), 784 High Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
Ph. 805-540-6500; FAX: 805-540-6501

NAMI San Luis Obispo County
P. O. Box 3158, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403

Education, Support, Wellness, and Recovery: People Living With Mental Illness

a. NAMI Peer-to-Peer
- 10-week psychoeducational course that teaches people how to live well
with their mental illness.
- Contact: Hannah Tenpas, TMHA | 805-540-6576 |
b. Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)
- 8-week course that helps people develop and maintain a wellness tool.
- Contact: Hannah Tenpas, TMHA @ 540-6576 or
c. Wellness Centers
i. Atascadero Wellness Center: “Life House”
- 5850 West Mall Rd. | 805-464-0512
- M/T/Th 9:30-3:30, W 12:30-6:30
ii. Arroyo Grande Wellness Center: “Safe Haven”
- 203 Bridge St. | 805-489-9659
- M/F 9:30-3:30
iii. SLO Wellness Center: “Hope House”
- 1306 Nipomo St. | 805- 541-6813
- M/T/Th 9:30-3:30, W 11:30-5:30
d. Peer Advisory & Advocacy Team
- Contact: Meghan Madsen, TMHA | 805-503-0350
Mental Health Advocates: Need help finding resources or support?
Contact Hannah Tenpas, TMHA | 805-540-6576 |
Mental Health Advocates: Need help finding resources or support?
Contact Hannah Tenpas, TMHA | 805-540-6576 | ​
2. Educational & Support Programs: Families of People Living With Mental Illness
a. NAMI SLOCO Meetings
- 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM
- St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church (multi-purpose rm) | ​ 1344 Nipomo St, SLO
b. NAMI SLOCO, Family Support Groups
i. North County Support Group
- 1st & 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30-8:00 PM
- TMHA Wellness Center, “Life House” | 5850 West Mall Road, Atascadero
- Contact: Diana Wilson | 805-674-8009
ii. San Luis Obispo Support Group
- 4th Tuesday of the month (except Jul. Aug. Dec), 5:30- 6:45 PM
- St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church (multi-purpose rm) | ​ 1344 Nipomo St, SLO
- Call Joe or Madeleine @ 544-2086 for more information.
iii. South County Support Group:
- 3rd Saturday of the month -10:00 AM
- Arroyo Grande Wellness Center, “Safe Haven” | 203 Bridge St, AG
- Contact: Madeleine Johnson | 805- 544-2086
Families of People Living With Mental Illness - Support Groups (cont.)
c. NAMI Family-to-Family Education Class
- 12- week class for families/friends of people living with mental illness.
- Contact: Henry Herrera | 805-440-3516 for information and schedules.
d. NAMI Basics Class
- 6-week class for families/caregivers of children living with mental illness.
- Call 805-236-1007 for more information.
e. TMHA Family Services
- Assists those who know or suspect a loved one has a mental illness.
Contact: Henry Herrera | 805-540-6571
f. TMHA Family Support Group
- Tuesdays, 12:00-3:00 PM, 784 High Street, SLO
- Contact: 805-540-6571 for more information
g. TMHA Family Orientation Class
- Six-hour Saturday orientation for families and friends of individuals with
mental illness.
- Contact: 805-540-6571 for information.
h. TMHA Mental Illness in the Family and the Judicial System
- One day class held on Saturday
- Contact: 805-540-6571 for information and reservations
i. TMHA Youth Family Partners, Parent Project and Active Parenting Classes
- Multiple groups meet weekly throughout the county.
- Contact: Youth Family Partners
- South County & SLO | 805-458-6388
- North County | 805-458-2596
- North Coast & SLO | 805-503-0009
3. NAMI Awareness & Recovery Presentations for the Public
a. “In Our Own Voice” Program
- Contact: Hanna Tenpas, TMHA | 805-540-6576
b. “The Shaken Tree” Film & Presentation
- Contact: Henry Herrera | 805-540-6571 | ​
c. NAMI “Ending the Silence” Presentations:
- Contact: Joe Johnson | 805-544-2086
4. For Professional Educators
a. Parents and Teachers as Allies
- 2-hour mental illness education presentation for professional educators
- Contact: Marcia | 805-481-4847