
NAMI SLO County Newsletters

NAMI News: March 2020

Dear NAMI SLOCO Members,

With planning well underway for our Beautiful Minds Rally and Walk scheduled on May 2nd, our Board has spent an agonizing week over reports of the spreading of COVID-19 in the world, the US and now in California. Clearly it is going to get worse over the next couple of months. There is no immunity from this virus and a vaccine will not be ready for some months. We questioned the wisdom of bringing hundreds of people together in close proximity with the potential to spread the virus in our community and we decided to cancel our fundraising walk. It was not an easy decision. This would have been our 11th Beautiful Minds Rally & Walk, and we depend on the donations we receive each year from the Walk, our only fundraiser, to be able to provide programs. When we began planning our Walk we had no idea that we would be facing a world pandemic. We hope you understand and support our decision to help keep our members and community healthy and safe.

Our March General Meeting, Family-to-Family classes, and Support Groups will continue as planned, and we will keep you informed of any changes. At all of these events, we ask all participants to exercise special caution in practicing "social distance" and avoiding direct physical contact with others. 

Warm regards,
Pam Zweifel
President, NAMI San Luis Obispo County

Click here for the March 2020 Newsletter from NAMI SLO County